With the recent pandemic, it has hindered many of us from exercising. In ACP we recognize the importance of our staff’s mental & physical well-being. As such, we have embarked on a new initiative where we will take 45 minutes every Thursday from our busy schedule to enjoy our very own GameOn Activity! This initiative was set up with the intention of not only releasing mental stress but also bond together as a company while keeping fit over various team sports.
We kick-started the event yesterday, June 23rd with a warm up led by our fellow colleague. Simple stretches were done before commencing with the day’s activity, Captain’s Ball. The game was filled with laughter and excitement all the whilst burning our calories. Through this activity, we learnt so many things about each other, we learnt about each other’s strengths and weaknesses, we also learnt who were the active ones and who weren’t. This game definitely brought the company closer and through our upcoming weekly activities, we only hope that this bond grows stronger.